Sunday, November 11, 2012

California has placed a proposed regulation of healthcare insurance on the state election ballot for 2014

Consumer Watchdog (Aug23,2k12)

Insurance Rate 
Public Justification & Accountability Act

It’s official. The Insurance Rate Public Justification & Accountability Act -- which will require health insurance companies to publicly justify rate hikes before they take effect -- will be on the ballot in 2014.

The  Secretary of State announced today that we qualified with 549,380 valid signatures from registered California voters.

Thank you for everything you did to help us reach the ballot.  Now the voters will get the chance to end excessive and unjustified health insurance price hikes in California.

If you want to help with the campaign, go to to sign up or donate today.

Importantly, our initiative would require health insurance companies to refund consumers for excessive rates charged as of November 7, 2012 even though we won’t vote on the initiative until a later ballot. That possibility is sure to make them think twice before imposing unjustified increases over the next two years.

The upside of not being on this crowded 2012 ballot is that with the federal individual health insurance mandate taking effect in January of 2014 voters will be more aware than ever before of the need for truly affordable health insurance.

We’ve also got more time to organize and gather resources to beat the health insurance industry, which is likely to wage a $100 million campaign against us. 

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