Worrying about how the kid/s woud grow up.
Dr Money developed the surgical procedure of gender narrowing by having the parents early-on choose to what sex/gender the young child woud be assigned. He made this the standard of medical surgical practice. As these children grew up and were guided not only as to their sexual assignment, but also their gender roles (what clothes to wear and what gender to develop, the late adolescent and early post-adolescent children, learning about the assignment by Money, rejected their having been formed by their parents choice and Money's facilitation. Money and his Sexuality Lab within the Medical Faculty at Johns Hopkins found his clinic and his work 20 years back with now-grown chldren was heavily criticized. At some point, the practive of early-chilhood re-assignment was stopped, children with hermaphroditic conditions were allowed to grow-up with the condition unresolved, the in-betweeness clarified, and now grown kid encouraged to make a choice between "her" and "his" genitalia, determining thus also the endocrinal drugs prescribed to re-inforce. But the surgical procedures, in this new post-criticism phase, remained the same. Choose either to be a woman or a man. We are here so far talking only about one kind of "in-betweeness, as there are other kinds as well. And this is not a case of matters engaging questions about homosexuality.
In Dr Money's pioneering Sexuality Lab, a sexuality medical clinic, from other parents the question arose is my kid homosexual? And, what to do? These lead to decades of diagnosis, reflection, and theory building. The etiological question emerge: why is my kid homo (male cases or more broadly to all homosexuals including women)? Lesbian (female cases).

Now what to do with this theoretical statistical construct based on the aggregate of the cases? First, let's consider why the majority of people woud trend away from exclusively straight or exclusively homo. Here we have need of a useable theory that allows entry into other factors, across a range, to see what coud "influence" a direction toward mid-location up the curve. We need a reformational sexology for this purpose, and one does not exist. I resort therefore to Christian philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd's modal scale of factors (which here coud be understood as causes or influences). Dooyweerd's general theory of modal aspects or perhaps better yet modal functions of the human person, is presented in his work New Critique of Theoretical Thought (3 volumes plus index volume, in English 1957-1959; the earlier Dutch original was published in 1935, and rather much buried by the Nazi Occupation and closing of the universities in the Netherlands.
Aside: which all led to the Hunger Winter of 1945 but much more excruciatingly to the Holocaust (here mentioned in its Netherlands dimension.

Now Dr Dooyeweerd in his great Christian philosophy (created with Dr D H Th Vollenhoven and then many others) introduced this canonical list of creation modalities: the numerical, Dr Andrew Basden re-labels this initial mode the quantitative, then in order the spatial, the kinematic, the physical and physico-chemical, the biotic and bio-chemical, the psychical
(here if I may cut into the list, the importance of early childhood trauma can push a child into a development trajectory where she/he has less heterosexual development and more homosexual development, say in a case of sexual abuse by the mother or a sister or an aunt or a strange woman, to which the young child reacts massively due to the hurt and confusion, feeling immense yet perhaps inarticulate pain).
On with Dooyeweerd's fundamental list of creation modalities based on his even more threefold fundamental distinction Creator/ creator's law-order for creation (modal law-spheres / creation, creatures, society, societal spheres, you and me: the technoformative (D = cultural, historical, but this mode is apparent already in the pre-human instinctual form-giving, say, of birds who make their nest in a species-specific way, sometimes with division of labour between hen and cock ... I like Dr Calvin Seerveld's revision "technoformative" even better), ... the analytic (now the explicitly human factors enter the list), the lingual (Dr Hendrik Hart removes this from his version of the list, I keep it but in a different order), the social/societal/societal sphere sovereignty, then the economic (Hart revises this to "the optimatic" as a result of our collaborative research of which he was the monitor, Hart, Understanding Our World, a philosophical ontology following the grand lines of Dooyeweerd), the aesthetic (Dooyeweerd, Vollenhoven and art-historian Dr Hans Rookmaaker all follow the symmetrical aesthetics of de schonie harmonie (exhibited in the grid box that transforms the list into a 2-dimensional graph of smaller boxes), Seerveld broke with this and moved "the aesthetic" on the list to just-after the psychic and before the technoformative; Dr Lambert Zuidervaart (dissertation on Adorno's aesthetics) and Dr Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin do so as well, evident in her masterful and supreme dissertation on Suzanne K. Langer's philosophy of aesthetics, she being famous and for Philosophy in a New Key and more important here Feeling and Form; the juridical (courts for public justice, legal professions government, politics, revolutionary overthrow of régimes, military); the ethical; the pisteutic or faith modality of human life and existence.
Examples: Christopher Isherwood said he chose to become homo, and that he was aesthetically motivate (he also rejected the term "gay" as do I, but use it to designate an ideology, the Gay ideology of a political and sometimes cultural programme. Imagine you were a young person at the top of Money's bell curve and you enlisted in Rohm's SA for various non-erotic reasons, but once within the societal entity of the SA, you found yourself to be desirable by some of the SA leaders, and you started to go to bed with some of them, thus influencing you to bring out dominantly the homosexual erotic attraction you sometimes felt as a originally bisexual person. The plastic horizon of your erotic attraction became re-set toward a rather exclusive practice. Later, you were repelled by all this and you reacted by resetting yourself to your heterosexual side, got married, and had children. Money and his bell-curve based on medical cases can account for the full-range of these personal changes, and Dooyeweerd's theory of creational modalities can help you clarify your complex of erotic attractions, while the social pressure of an SA environment toward homosexual practices coud be in the long run disappointing and you coud move into the unfamliar ground homosexuality, marriage, and fathering children with your wife.
— Albert Gedraitis
Understanding Dr John Money's statistical theory of occurences of homosexuality and its account of changes from homo to hetero, hetro to homo, and back again, over time. Plus, the understanding of "bisexuality" is an important issue.
Gay, Straight, and In-between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation.
"The diverse historical, cultural, and physiological influences that determine sexual orientation are the focus of this fascinating work by one of the foremost investigators of human sexuality. Drawing on case studies from his sexology clinic, the author explores such topics as prenatal and postnatal history, gender differentiation in childhood, and postpubertal hormonal theories. In so doing, he addresses the many enigmas of sexual orientation: What makes some children grow up to be homosexual, while others become heterosexual or bisexual? To what degree is gender identity determined before birth? How do the concepts of masculine and feminine become differentiated during childhood? What do we know about the relationship between hormones and homosexuality in adulthood? A unique feature of this book is the follow-up reporting on Money's long-term studies that began over three decades ago. The studies are brought together here for comparison with one another--and with the work of others--and their full significance is systematically evaluated. Also explored here is his pioneering concepts of lovemaps, the pathways of individual sexual and erotic development, and the factors that may shape overall healthy or pathological orientation, paraphilia, and gender transposition in childhood, adolescence, and maturity. Written in accessible language for researchers and clinicians, this authoritative work is both thought-provoking and informative as it explores timely questions of sexual orientation." — Amazon.com blurb
There are 12 customer reviews
"A scholastic masterpiece....The best and most up to date review of the neurobiology of sexual orientation in print....This book should be required reading for all psychiatrists and is strongly recommended for all physicians who will be caring for gay and bisexual men with AIDS in the years to come." --Newsletter of the Psychiatric Medical Association of New Mexico
"An internationally recognized expert on problems of gender identity, Money examines the cultural, physiological, and personal history factors that determine sexual orientation and its disorders . . . . His discussion of the development of 'lovemaps' (the picture one has of the idealized lover or love object) helps explain sexual behavior that otherwise would seem irrational. Illustrative case histories are frequently used. There is an excellent glossary . . . . This is a book for specialists and is recommended for university libraries." --Choice
"The author addresses important scientific and social questions, and it is clear that he has devoted many years of thoughtful attention to them." --Journal of the American Medical Association
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